Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Clean House....Somewhat

It has been awhile since I last blogged, and a few things have happened since then. Today was uneventful for the most part. I exercise, cleaned, and tried to get my dog to shit....Yes shit

 I have three wonderful dogs that love to either scare me, annoy me, or on occasion cuddle. Vlad, the middle age one is refusing to poop and hasn't since Monday afternoon. This happened once before when he had infected anal glands, so I scheduled a vet appointment for this Saturday for all three. Freud, the youngest has developed this lovely appetite for his own shit. He won't eat the other dogs, just his, so he is getting checked for worms. It started when we had to cut back his food, he was 32 pounds and is suppose to be 25. So his tubby ass is probably being gluttonous, but I would rather be safe than sorry. I've been feeding him low calorie 'filler' foods since he started and currently have green beans in the oven, drying out, for munchies during the day. Mocha, our oldest, is running into more things. We know she is going blind, but we want to get her checked since it is becoming more frequent and she isn't slowing down to make sure she doesn't run head on into a table. This is the first time since the move since they have been to a vet clinic, so this chaos will be interesting. Speaking of vets, I didn't know that Petco had a day for low-cost vaccines. My husband and I went after being told by my brother's girlfriend that she spent half of what they do at the vet for their pups. While there is a bit of a wait, it ends up being way cheaper and more budget friendly, which I am happy about.

Speaking of health, I saw my new doctor last week. I have mixed feelings, leaning towards not impressed. The reviews online say she is nice, but I found her quite standoffish. While I like the fact that she referred me to a specialist for my shoulder, she also referred me to a place to get my blood drawn/pee in a cup for testing, and a psychologist for my non-controlled medication for ADHD, which I've been taking since I was 13. To me, this screams incompetent. She says I am depressed, but depression and ADHD have many similar symptoms, but they aren't the same, at all. I've never had a general practitioner question my previous diagnosis. I had it diagnosed as a child by a professional, and then retested at 18 for college. I've also never been to a place where I had to go elsewhere to pee and draw blood. I am aware it is sent to a lab, but not having the capability is just odd. Heck even a Gastroenterologist I went to, in a hick town in GA, had trained personnel and the capability to draw blood. This is far from a hick town, yet I can't get the pre-testing and treatment I need in one place. After I run around and do what she wants done, I will give her one last chance, because I only really need someone to prescribe me my medication for now. The fun thing though, is if she still refuses to simply prescribe my medication and has me running around for it, I will become unstable emotionally. This is the only medication that has treated my attention issues as well as the mental crap that comes along with ADHD. If that happens my insurance will be getting an angry call. I have roughly two months left, so if this psychologist wants to play games and not prescribe me the medication I've needed since fucking 13 years of age, I will probably just flat out ask for another doctor, even if the pain in my shoulder hasn't been addressed. I would rather live with this pain than run out again.

So this blog is suppose to be about a clean house right? Well kinda. I wanted to finish my thoughts on a funny/happy note. In a previous blog, I mentioned not being able to find Ammonia free Windex in Target and going with Seventh Generation spray for cleaning. Well, I tried it out today during my semi light cleaning. It says it has a lemongrass citrus scent.........which is complete and utter bullshit. While the lung friendly formula is holding up, the scent smells like new tires, which is really weird. I will finish the bottle, but a tire scented sink is both humorous and not wanted. I am going to look into the ingredients more, to see how they accomplished that scent, because that is kinda impressive without it being toxic. Especially when lemongrass oils don't smell anything like tires lol. My dogs are never happy when it comes to cleaning, which is a daily occurrence. They each get a brushing twice a week, yet still seem to throw their fur all over the house. It's favorite spot is in the hallway closets and the living room carpet. It can't go more than 3 days without  looking like crap, so it is vacuumed often. Our backyard is also quite sandy, so daily sweeping is a must and kitchen counter and sink cleaning is daily as well. Today I did all that plus the bathrooms and a light dusting in the master bedroom. Despite it being a frequent activity, the dogs seem to detest it. Their faces hold the expression of, 'wtf are you doing, you crazy woman'! I can't blame them, I am a bit fanatic when it comes to cleaning. Organization I have just about given up on for now considering movers broke much of our organizational furniture and shit is kinda just laying around the house. Even when we had an organized house, papers seemed to keep piling in random locations and things used was not put away. It was a never ending cycle of the pick up game, which I think I will play tomorrow. My shoulder hurts too much to organize stuff right now.

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