Thursday, September 22, 2016

I don't wanna adult today

I want to start off with I had a wonderful birthday. I will make another post about it, but for now I will blog about other things. Today is the day of Vlad's vet visit. Roughly two weeks ago, we took the dogs to the vet for a hello visit, since we just got here, and random issues that were not too big of a deal. Freud has stopped eating his poop thankfully, pineapple is amazing for that apparently, and Mocha is still senile/blind. We recently got a desk for our laptop and she has ran into it. She seems to have gotten use to it's placement now though thankfully. We still need to be careful with her, but it is difficult when she wants to run full speed. Vlad was having issues pooping. He didn't want to, so we thought it was anal glands. It wasn't that and the vet said he was fine, and that as long as he poops once a day he is good. He does that now, but he isn't on a schedule like he use to. He has suddenly started having issues with his legs. We noticed it Sunday, he was limping and overall slow. Monday he was worse and it progressed from there I have to pick him up to get him to go outside to even pee. I bring him water and food now because he has balance issues. I saw him today try to get up. He sat up, tried to get up 4 times before he got to his feet, almost falling over, and hobbled to Mocha's padded bed.

I'm scared something is seriously wrong with him. I am hoping it is something like hip dysplasia or something that is easily treated and quality of life can be improved with general medication. His quick decline worries me though. He was such a healthy spunky dog and now he does nothing but lay down. He doesn't even wanna play with Freud anymore. When I don't catch him right away, Vlad is tolerant of his playfulness. I can tell he would rather be left alone though. I know going to the vet is a must, but I fear the diagnosis. It is that time of the month though, so my anxiety is through the roof and so is my emotions. So adulting right now is very difficult. I just want to snap my fingers and make the issues go away.

Freud has an Instagram account and this week I have been half assing everything. I have ideas for his account, but I just don't want to do anything. For Freud's Instagram I used an old picture for a throw back Thursday. I did clean the house, but I haven't exercised because I'm scared to leave Vlad's side, and I haven't organized anything. Besides being swept and surfaces sanitized, the house is a mess. We need to go to the dump again to get rid of more bulk no one wants to buy, and I need to go through things to toss in the usual trash that isn't too bulky.

Speaking of Instagram, I noticed an email from It was about helping curb bullying on Instagram. While I rarely encounter it, it is a common thing. It seems Instagram, with it's newest update, helped fix some of these issues. They aren't great fixes, but it is an improvement. You can now hide commonly reported offensive words in your comments. That doesn't stop it from happening, but you can't see it until someone points it out in a nice manner, that doesn't fit the criteria for hidden comment. Yesterday two asshats decided to harass me for simply un-following an account. I didn't make a fuss, I simply hit un-follow and the person I un-followed made a rude comment on my profile for un-following them, and how they were un-following me now. I could honestly care less if they un-followed me. They could have simply hit the un-follow button, but nope, they decided to be a dick about it. In hindsight, I should have just deleted and blocked the fucker. Instead I commented that I didn't care if they un-followed me, and I gave the reason, why I un-followed, publicly....Because they are now a follow for follow account and I find that type of thing stupid. They played stupid, or are actually stupid, I don't know I pretty much explained why I un-followed and why I was commenting about it, but I had to re-explain myself in a very over simplified manner. Seriously. I had to literally do a list of events that took place, up to my first comment. Which said exactly what I did prior, except not in a long winded manner. I reported them after that, because I didn't want them to have access to my profile and reporting blocks them. They deleted my comments, and kept theirs to make it look like I was begging for a follow, their comments were mocking me in a way that made it look like I wanted them to follow me without following them, which is why I over simplified my explanation, because I felt they didn't understand, hence why I now think they were playing stupid. Anyways, one of their lackies decided to jump in on the fun of harassing me. I sent a private message this time to explain what happened, didn't know it was a lackie at the time, and of course they acted like a bitch. In other words neither didn't care they bullied me. I can't actually take proper steps to make sure it is handled. Instagram has a crappy customer service. The reporting is a joke and once they block you, you can't see the private messages. So you can't save that is proof. So yeah, it is shitty, but uh well. They don't seem to have continued. As long as they don't do anything more, I don't care. However, it doesn't always stop for everyone. Some people suffer severe bullying to the point where the person doing the bullying stalks the poor person. I've seen the person go from one social media to another, just to harass a person. So it is hard to get away from it. I've also seen it go as far as the bully finding the actual person they are bullying, and continue it away from social media. So the fact they don't have an option to help stop it asap, it makes bullying easier on it's platform. Oh and fun fact, you can't reach them via email. If you try it says email is full.

Not too long ago I blogged about guns and shooting of a kid. I did a quick update search and it still seems to stay the same, he pulled a Ruger replica on a cop, but this time it is reported another person was shot and killed. I have not blogged about innocent people being killed by police, but it is way too common. I mean come on, if it is true, how the fuck do you mistake a book for a gun. They look nothing alike. I understand that the man didn't follow orders, but for fucks sake, that is no reason to kill a person. For all they know, he could not have heard them properly. It has been a more common place for white cops to shoot black people, but this time it was a black cop that shot a black person. I'm not saying race isn't a factor in some white on black shootings involving cops, but I really think it is a lack of training issue. My husband is highly trained and if he shot a civilian while deployed, and it was an innocent person that he murdered, he would be charged. I really don't know why the same standards can't be applied to our police force. Yes, they risk their lives, but so does my husband, and he is held to stricter standards.....and has better training. So why can't our cops get better training huh?

So yeah, period, I'm pissy, sad and emotional. It is a bad combo. I need more pads, so I might get a bottle of wine while I'm at it.

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