Monday, September 12, 2016

Sugar Bear Hair scam

So this company is gaining a lot of followers, sadly, since they seem to be a scam. They ask for 30 dollars for 1 month supply of 'vitamins'. Now since this company, from what I can tell, is fairly new, their formula probably has not been tested for safety by a third party. Speaking of safety, their vitamin levels are really high. While biotin is relatively safe, their levels are at over 1000% of the RDA. That level is just stupid high and while you pee it out, which is a waste of expensive ass vitamins, your liver and kidneys still have to process and rid your body of the excess. The fat soluble vitamins, aka the vitamins the body can't really get rid of as easily, are also way too high.

The products vitamin A content is at 42% and the vitamin D content is at 100% and vitamin E is at 55%. Many people pop vitamins without really doing research. When it comes to fat soluble vitamins and minerals, the higher the percentage is not better. Not unless you are deficient or are on a crash diet where you aren't eating, which is also stupid. I won't get into that though. So if this was just a biotin vitamin I would not have brought up the percentage, but again, there is just too much of certain vitamins which is taxing your organs.

Why am I blogging about this product? Well because they blocked me, from commenting, for a simple question, which on their part is very petty and unprofessional. I asked them to justify the 30 dollar price tag based on their ingredients and quantity when competitors price their products at 10-14 dollars for the same amount. I never got an answer, but I have seen them try to justify the cost by saying they are the first of their kind, which news flash, they are not! Not even close. I didn't quote that claim, but I did bring up the competition. So it seems that they don't want people to know that there are alternative, because if they knew, they could not price gouge anymore. Though if the average person did a simple google search, scams like this would not take root.

Now I know I said competitors prices were between 10-14, which the average is, vitajoy, which is a hair, nail and skin vitamin, that doesn't have the excess crap and just biotin, is 7.50 on Amazon with the add-on tag. So guess what, they aren't unique, they aren't special and they sure as hell should not be 30 dollars for a simple vitamin. It is absurd and not even they can justify that price tag to me. I am not surprised, though, since their claim is easily proven false. Sugar Bear Hair is just another one of those products a company tries to market unique to gain money. While the gummy is cute, and the blue color is fun, just save yourself the money and buy a different supplement. If you don't mind swallowing pills, you can get cruelty free vitamins for even less. Oh, and another plus to the cheaper price, vitajoy is made in the USA. I don't know where the fuck Sugar Bear produces it's vitamin. If it is China or some other place that produces these types of product on pennies, you are paying 30 dollars that probably cost less than a dollar to produce. A fun fact about imported vitamins is that only 2% are actually tested. China is also one of the top producers of America's vitamin supplements as well. So I would not be surprised if they produce their product in China. If your product is using raw or natural products from China, you can be sure that heavy metals are present, which is why third party testing of a supplement is always good to have. They can keep companies in place and help prevent crappy products from entering the market as frequently.

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