Tuesday, August 30, 2016


One of my friends posted a funny, fictional, video about a child who called the police on his mom for spanking him. Long story short, the cop ended up opening a can of good old fashioned discipline to back up the mother. It was hilarious, and like with most controversial topics I could not resist being sucked into the black hole of the comment section.  It is a guilty pleasure of mine and most of the time it doesn't disappoint. While I rarely contribute, it still doesn't stop me from laughing at many of the stupid comments. I clicked on a comment of a woman that reminisced her own similar story, with a feel good happy ending about her son growing up to be a good man. Nothing out of the ordinary or really that funny, but it had a lot of comments, which generally hints to an argument.

The one that started the argument told her story, one of being spanked and being traumatized by it. It is one I have heard before by people who flat out think spanking, as a form of discipline, is abuse. One person brought up a question, a valid one, if what she experienced was aversion to her father, because she knew she could not get away with things when she told him the truth, and favored her mother because she never disciplined her. This is actually a very common issue with parents. One will discipline the child, and the other won't. The end result will be a child, obviously disliking one parent and favoring the other. No one likes getting in trouble, and if not brought up with a consistent set of standards, one will avoid the truth when it comes to authority figures or people who have a set standard that the individual doesn't like. Another possibility, which I did not see addressed, was that she was actually abused and what she associates with spanking is not true discipline. While some vehemently deny that there is a difference between physical discipline and abuse, there is. Well her response was typical. She cursed out the person asking the question and then claimed she took child development classes. So what is the big deal about telling a person to fuck off? Well nothing really. Some people need to be told to fuck off, but this person just posed a question, and not in a mean way. The fun started there, more people questioned her, one being why she thinks she is so knowledgeable about childhood development from taking a course. I wondered that too because she stated that those kids, who stay with parents who spank, have Stockholm syndrome. To clarify, Stockholm syndrome is used to describe a feeling of trust or affection towards a kidnapper or captor. Which is not applicable here. She continues to rant about how shitty parents are just creating more shitty parents by spanking

There was one poor woman who typed up a story in response to this woman's attacks and hysteria. It talked about her mother spanking her and her siblings as kids. Her example was a perfect example of the difference, yet this woman refused to read her comment and proceeded to attack her. She even stated in her response she didn't read it and continued to puff out her chest, claiming she knew better than everyone else. The woman's story was how her grandmother was raised without being spanked, or disciplined at all really, yet beat the shit out of this woman's mother. Despite being beating and abused, she didn't do the same to her children. She only spanked when needed and it was never hard or aggressive. The ironic part was that she even stated, at the end, that she wanted to use other methods of discipline with her children and spanking as a last resort. So despite her wonderful example, she essentially agreed with this woman that no spanking is ideal, in her opinion. So because of this woman's lack of reading skills, she completely missed the fact that someone actually agreed with her. Which to me, was absolutely hilarious. The argument, or lack thereof, took it's natural path of people mocking the woman's appearance and such, because she could not keep calm and just answer respectfully.

Now where is the wtf? While the above is funny, it didn't make me go wtf. What made me go wtf was after reading all of this, I decided to take a peek at who this woman was. I had already come to the conclusion that her tirades were childish and starting to get petty, but this made everything even more hilarious. People have bad days and go off the deep end it happens, so I wanted to see if this was normal, or a bad day. I have attached a little-cropped screen shot, to protect her identity, well somewhat, this isn't private, so she can be easily found. What really made me go wtf was how she thinks she is more adult because she plays Assassin's Creed. It seems she can't quite comprehend what fictional history is. You learn jack and shit from it considering the plot only takes place located in the past. Aka the story isn't real, the place or event might be, but it isn't real! At all! The only historical accuracy in the first game is that it took place during the Crusades and that there was a Guild to intimidate people, that is it. There are mentions of real things, but considering the plot, it is not an actual historical event. So you are still playing a game, like a child. If you play these games, thinking you learn shit, you won't be able to discern fact from fiction.

BTW, I love games, I play them and watch my husband play them. Nothing wrong with it until you think you are superior. In the end, considering her posts, I am not too surprised she posted this as a status. It is hilarious none the less though.

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