Friday, August 26, 2016

Idiot Driver

After many wtf moments that lead to obvious frustration and stress I have decided to blog about it to relieve said stress. So onward to today's wtf moment/moments. Oh, warning, like my daily life, this contains offensive language to some, though the title alone should give that away. 

Today's adventure led me to PetSmart. The drive over was uneventful, oh and many wtf moments comes from driving, not all, but many. I found a cute dog shirt, that I didn't buy, it is too freaken hot here in Florida to justify getting my dogs clothes. The dog food was purchased and my next stop, for cleaning supplies was Target. I am not a fan of Target, mostly due to the companies lack of personal information security, but I went anyways because the other stores were out of the way. On the way to Target people were not wanting to let a big Ram truck over so it could turn onto the street it needed to go down. Funny how that is. You speed up to pass and they don't let you over, you slow down to get behind them and the asshat behind them does the same thing, and won't let you over. Annoying as it is, no biggie, I went to the next light, turned around and made my way to Target. Inside Target was decent, selection sucked as usual. I don't understand why you need a whole aisle for Lysol and right next to it a tiny selection of Windex, which none were ammonia free. So I went with Seventh Generation disinfecting cleaner, because with three dogs things need disinfecting, and I am tired of my lungs burning after using the crap with ammonia. Which if my lungs burn, it probably does the same to them. There was one strange individual there that had a huge bag and one hand was in his pocket. I left it alone though because I didn't really want to deal with people and so far he had not caused any commotion, he was just an odd one. However, after exiting Target was where the issue arose. I got to the light okay, when it turned green I made my normal turn, but for some reason, while speeding up to the speed limit, some idiot thought it was a good idea to barely put an inch between his bumper and mine, aka cutting me off, and then put on his breaks. I'm not sure if he just ignored the fact that I was twice his size and could easily just make a nice pancake out of him, but none the less, he made his stupid move. He seemed bewildered that I honked at him, then proceeded to yell at him at the light before I made my other turn. I really was not in the mood for paying for his dumb ass to go to the hospital and my car to be fixed, because judging from that crap you called a car, I presume you were not insured. So driving with some common sense and caution would behoove you. While yelling at him was not the best option, and I could have gone on my way, he almost caused a wreck that could have easily hurt him and probably that person on the sidewalk in front of us. You know, because when you hit someone in a car that is accelerating forwards, you don't really go backwards, despite your dumb ass breaking an inch from my bumper. Which that point I made clear, so hopefully he actually thinks about his surroundings next time, if not, I hope that he takes out only a tree when he finally wreaks. 

Since moving to Florida I have noticed the drivers are worse, but the beauty of the state makes up for it. All in all I like living here. It definitely isn't without it's wtf moments, both frustrating and funny. I will be blogging funny wtf moments as well, because an all negative blog is not healthy. My hopes in this is to one, relieve stress, like stated above, which so far it has accomplished. Secondly, I hope that anyone who happens to read this blog it will bring some giggles or smirks. I am no comedian, but I would like to think my sense of humor is not only amusing to myself. 

One last random wtf moment, when I first entered the area I am living in, which is not a country town, I saw a horse crossing sign. I have yet to see a horse and rider on the sidewalk, but the signs do exist, which is really amusing to me. 

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