Thursday, October 20, 2016

Bleh kind of day

Well, last night's presidential debate was a circus, as usual. I was not expecting anything different, but was hopeful when it started. At first, Trump seemed composed and coherent, but that soon changed. He was easily baited by Clinton, while baiting someone to argue is not the best, it shows his true character. A true leader should not have the tolerance of a child. He is way too unstable to have access to nuclear codes. I don't just base this on his easy to anger on stage. Probably the biggest concern/concerns is/are when he had a family member cut from his father's will, in order to gain more money(greedy bastard), and said people sued. Rightfully so. The money was evenly split among children and their families, but since Trump wanted more money, he decided to write out a sibling and their family. If this wasn't the worst of it, he cut medical care insurance for the nephew's son, a child at the time, to teach them a lesson. He denied medical care for a fucking CHILD! A child for fuck's sake! If this petty asshole had codes for nuclear codes, what makes people think he won't use them to 'teach a lesson' to someone who pisses him off? He has also cut alimony from one of his wives, for telling the truth in a private interview. He did it to 'teach her a lesson'. See the trend? Anyone who goes against him, he has to 'teach them a lesson'. So childish. Thankfully the judge, in that case, told Trump to go fuck himself.

So yeah, it was a circus again thanks to his short temper. When he wasn't having a hissy fit, his stances on issues were deplorable. Yes, I use that word, a word Hillary used. I will not apologise for using it though because his views are deplorable, and anyone who supports those views tend to not be good people either. It doesn't apply to all, but a good majority I have seen are extremely sexist, racist and just downright mean to people who were not exactly like them. He tends to single out Blacks and Hispanics when it comes to inner city issues. He tries to pretty up his words by saying he wants to help them, but he is flat out blaming them for crime rates in inner cities and lack of education. His "bad hombres" comment kinda hit home how racist he is.

 He also doesn't believe in abortion. While I understand it isn't the right option for everyone, no one has the right to tell what a woman can or can't do with her body, which is what he wants to do. He wants to appoint judges that will overturn Roe vs Wade. For some reason, republicans try to spin it as a selfish evil act. In many cases, women are not using it as a form of birth control. I have actually never heard a case of it being used as such. Not only would it get expensive, it would not be good for the woman's body. It isn't something you go, oh I got a fetus in my uterus, damn, let's go have an abortion. No, it doesn't work like that. There are many factors that go into deciding to have an abortion. Many of the same things come up when deciding to try for a child actually. Income is a consideration, and yes I have heard the keep your legs closed argument. I reply with the go fuck yourself, it isn't your body, so mind your own damn business. Contraception fails at times, and if it isn't the right time, it just isn't the right time. No amount of hate speech will change that. The only thing it does is hurt the sentient being  that is actually alive right now and able to comprehend what is going on. Other factors, which are more common, is complications. For some reason, Trump can't seem to comprehend that pregnancies can have complications. Even with all the advances we have had in medicine, childbirth is still very dangerous. While the number of deaths are not as high as they use to be, it is on the rise. There are many contributing factors, but I won't get into that. The one hard fact remains the same. It is the woman,s body, it is her health, it is her decision. Period. No one else's. Just hers.

The wall issue is also getting silly. Has no one that advises him heard of the Great Wall of China and how well that didn't work? Sigh. Then there is his plan for the debt to be reduced while creating jobs. His plan just won't work. Especially if he lowers taxes for big businesses and individuals. You just can't do that. If you do you can't pay for anything. Taxes are useful, it is how you tax that matters. Common sense says to go where the money is. If you cut taxes for the more wealthy, but keep taxes or raise them for middle-class, you won't get much. All you get is very little money and pissed off individuals. I've heard the argument, well if companies can't pay for employees because of taxes you won't have job growth. Yes, this is very accurate, for small businesses. We aren't talking about small business though, we are talking about the guys who own a bunch of yachts and can afford it. We need tougher regulations on those businesses and how they handle jobs. When they are taxed more they do cut people so they don't have to cut their luxuries, which isn't right. If they want to be responsible for job growth, they need to act more responsible. Cutting jobs so they can afford that million dollar vacation is not responsible. It is the exact opposite. You can still have a very wonderful vacation on a fraction of that. You can't expect to drain the middle class and expect everything to work out. It just won't. On the other side, you can't have cuts for both and have it work out. There will be no money for people who need assistance or money for other things, like roads, schools etc. So what will happen? He will need to borrow more money, which will put us in more debt. The 'growth' will be a false one. Similar to how people put a huge amount on a credit card, and then can't pay for any of it. You have the appearance of growth, but in the end, you just crash, and things end up being worse than what they were.

So I actually ranted on that longer than I intended, but I just don't see how people are for him. Well, the Dunning-Kruger effect explains it well, but still. It just shows how many Americans don't want to educate themselves. I live in such a diverse environment, with people from so many other countries, and so far not many are for Trump. They are way more informed on our politics than actual Americans, and that is sad.

So enough of that. Last time I wrote about my birthday and Vlad. He is doing much better, but he is still on antibiotics and steroids. The lump on his neck, the infection, has gone down, but it isn't gone. We have 28 days of more antibiotics and another refill if needed. Hopefully he won't need the refill, but this seems to be a very aggressive infection. He also has only a few more days of the steroid, so I am hoping the pain won't return either.

My health hasn't been the best either. I finally found out that I have loose ligaments, which is what is causing my pain. So I am now in physical therapy for that. My MRI has also been rescheduled because the neurologist and Tricare didn't communicate properly, I had a meltdown at the facility because of stress and anxiety, which resulted in a migraine, which lasted 18 hours. My Strattera has been increased as well, in hopes it will help with my ADHD-related issues. I should know by the end of the month. I feel calmer, but I feel it is just situational and nothing to do with the medicine yet. My period is also coming, today is the due day, but only light pink so far. However, I am having the usual. Pain, nausea, dizziness etc. I know what my period use to feel like, and it has become worse. My doctor ordered a vaginal ultrasound, which didn't show anything, and I am not anemic. The technician said it was normal and to pop a pill, which I can't do because of rebound headaches, and deal with it. I know she went to school for this shit, but I've had my period for 15 years. I know what it use to be like, and now even birth control doesn't help. So no, it isn't normal, especially for me. Right now I am up, dressed and armed because some strange men are coming to my house to fix a leak, which the rental company is dragging their feet to fix, and I feel like shit. I just wanna lay down with my heating pad and curl up in a ball, but I can't. I gotta deal with it because I can't take NSAIDs more than twice a week because of the stupid rebound headaches. I am also vitamin D deficient, I'm in one of the sunniest states, go for daily walks outside, and my body still said fuck you. So I am taking 5000 IU of vitamin D and a calcium supplement to help with uptake. When I am not on my period, I feel better, but that is just silly. My neurologist also put me on a beta blocker for both my migraines and my heart rate. My Strattera is making my heart rate too high, which sucks. It is either I go crazy or I keel over from my heart exploding. My primary also decided she knew better than my Neurologist and tried to argue that I didn't need it. I guess she didn't get the memo that it is treating two things and my heart rate being 115 or higher isn't a good thing. I really like the specialist she sends me to, but she isn't the brightest.....Nor does she like to listen to understand a reasoning behind something. Even so, I do think I need a lower dose for the beta blocker. It is working, but I think it is working too well. Either that, or I need to find a different treatment than Strattera. My pulse is now at a safe range, but it is at the lower end. I can feel my carotid just fine, but my radial is harder to feel now as it is weaker. My neural evaluation has been finally scheduled, kinda. I need to go in first for a consult before Tricare will approve the evaluation, which is what my Neurologist wants. While it just costs me gas and time, it is still annoying that Tricare won't approve what my doctor wants without a doctor's okay. I don't see why this doctor will say no, so the first appointment is quite frankly, pointless. Once I do my dental appointment it will be the same. Consult, then treatment Also if they need to do two things at once, for example, a deep cleaning and a basic cleaning, I either have to pay for one, or schedule them at different times. Which is again, fucking pointless and a waste of time. I know people use this to argue why things like Obama Care doesn't work, but it really has nothing to do with that, and more to do with money. Insurance is a good thing, but like with any money hungry buisness, they need better regulations. Thankfully they can't charge women more money than men for coverage, or drop someone because of a medical condition anymore, so that is a step in the right direction. We still have a long way to go though.

I still need to clean the house, which I really don't want to do. I just feel so crappy from my stupid period now. I just want chocolate, wine and to lay the fuck down. I wish these guys will come soon so I can do part of that. We have no wine or chocolate and I don't feel up to making a trip.